Free monads from scratch
- What is a free object?
- Coproducts of functors
- Free Monads
- A stateful calculator
- Adding Exceptions
- Conclusion and Further Reading
See the accompanying gist for the code.
Haskellers love monads, and there’s a good reason why. Without monads, Haskell wouldn’t have much of an I/O system at all, as Simon Peyton-Jones described it, it was embarassing to note that the emperor lacked I/O at conferences. Nevertheless, Haskell could be considered the world’s finest imperative language because of the way its type system forces one to separate purity and impurity, allowing the use of pure functions in impure code, but not vice versa.
The next stepping stone on the road to Haskell proficiency is often learning monad transformers, so that effects can be combined. In other words, we want to write code like this, resembling an impure language.
ticke n = do y <- recall -- read global state
incr 5 -- modify global state
z <- recall
if z > n
then raise "too big" -- throw exception
else return y
The corresponding imperative code might be:
function ticke() {
const y = getState();
const z = getState();
if (z > n) { throw "too big"; } else { return y; }
But this blog post is not about monad transformers, it’s about another idea that’s less well-known, free monads, a neat way to combine effects with less boilerplate, and has been applied in works such as Extensible Effects and Polysemy. Free monads are relatively easy to construct and explain and can help set the ground for fancier, more efficient effect systems.
This blog post assumes a working knowledge of Haskell, typeclasses, and some category theory.
What is a free object?
A free object is a
construction that obeys the axioms for that object, generated from
something simpler. A canonical example of a free object is a free
monoid. Recall that a monoid is a set
So, given a set
People who have written interpreters may notice that free objects are
like valid ASTs of a particular programming language. The axioms let
us perform some manipulations, for instance, if we create a free
group, we know we can rewrite
Enough of this abstract algebra, let’s see some code!
Coproducts of functors
infixr :+:
data (f :+: g) r = Inl (f r)
| Inr (g r)
deriving (Functor)
is a type operator, i.e. it takes two type constructors f :: *
-> *
and g :: * -> *
and a type r :: *
, and producing a new type
(f :+: g) r :: *
. To construct a value of this type, we the Inl
and Inr
constructors. This resembles the Either
type, but over
higher kinded types f
and g
. Categorically, this is the coproduct
construction in the functor category.
Now the main data type:
data Term f a = Pure a
| Impure (f (Term f a))
We can read Term f a
as a term of our language generated by f
having a final value of type a
, here are some examples.
λ> Pure 3
Pure 3 :: Term f Integer
λ> Impure (Just (Pure 3))
Impure (Just (Pure 3)) :: Term Maybe Integer
λ> Impure Nothing
Impure Nothing :: Term Maybe a
But generated how? Notice that the argument to Impure
has type f
(Term f a)
, but we’re showing how to construct a term of type
Term f a
in the data
declaration, so this is like fixpoints of
functions, with Pure
as the “base case”. In the case that f
happens to be a functor, Term
is what is
known as a fixpoint of a
as seen in papers such as Data types à la carte by Swierstra.
Free Monads
It gets better. If we know f
is a functor, we know that it must
have fmap
, even better, we can write the Functor
, Applicative
and Monad
instances for Term f
instance Functor f => Functor (Term f) where
fmap f (Pure x) = Pure $ f x
fmap f (Impure t) = Impure $ fmap (fmap f) t
instance Functor f => Applicative (Term f) where
pure = Pure
Pure f <*> Pure x = Pure $ f x
Pure f <*> Impure b = Impure $ fmap (fmap f) b
Impure fx <*> a = Impure $ fmap (<*> a) fx
instance Functor f => Monad (Term f) where
return = pure
Pure x >>= f = f x
Impure t >>= f = Impure $ fmap (>>= f) t
At first sight this looks scary, but in fact it isn’t at all, here’s the same code with only the last line in each instance declaration shown.
instance Functor f => Functor (Term f) where
-- ...
fmap f (Impure t) = Impure $ fmap (fmap f) t
instance Functor f => Applicative (Term f) where
-- ...
Impure fx <*> a = Impure $ fmap (<*> a) fx
instance Functor f => Monad (Term f) where
-- ...
Impure t >>= f = Impure $ fmap (>>= f) t
Notice how we’re implementing >>=
with >>=
on the right, and <*>
with <*>
, but applying it via fmap
? It seems like an impossible
trick at first, we don’t even know f
forms a monad! But we do know
some laws about applicatives and monads.
fmap f (pure x) = pure (f x)
pure f <*> pure x = pure (f x)
pure x >>= f = f x
Believe it or not, this is exactly the code we need to implement the
, <*>
and >>=
operators for Term f
! Perhaps the only
thing left to explain is the implementation of <*>
in the case that
the first argument is pure and the second argument is impure, left as
an exercise.
Pure f <*> Impure b = Impure $ fmap (fmap f) b
We’re quite close now, just one more class and a couple of instances and we’ll have the core for our free monad effects library.
class (Functor sub, Functor sup) => sub :<: sup where
inj :: sub a -> sup a
and sup
are functors, and inj
is the natural transformation
that turns a sub
into a sup
. Intuitively we can think of sup
allowing an embedding of sub
into it, but not necessarily the other
way around. Now that we’re in the functor category, we know there is
an identity natural transformation for every functor into itself, so
there must be an embedding of every functor into itself.
instance Functor f => f :<: f where
inj = id
What about the relation between f
and f :+: g
? Now that we’re
talking category theory, f :+: g
is really a coproduct of f
in the functor category. So indeed there is a morphism from f
to f :+: g
, the Inl
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => f :<: (f :+: g) where
inj = Inl
Finally, we want to be able to extend an existing embedding. Let’s say
we are given functors f
, g
and h
, and know that f :<: g
. It
stands to reason that if f
already has an embedding into g
, it
also has an embedding into whatever g
can embed into. In
particular, g
can embed into h :+: g
. Therefore, f
can be
embedded into h :+: g
as well. First we embed f
into g
, then we go from g
to h :+: g
by Inr
. inj
and Inr
natural transformations, so we can compose them to get a natural
transformation from f
to h :+: g
instance (Functor f, Functor g, Functor h, f :<: g) => f :<: (h :+: g) where
inj = Inr . inj
First, we’re going to want to convert a Term f a
into an a
i.e. escaping out of the Term
monad. We can extract such an a
pattern matching on Pure a
. It now remains to settle on an
appropriate functor f
. We don’t want to handle the Impure
because that means we have some function of type f a -> a
, which may
not exist (e.g. []
, IO
, Maybe
). Since Impure
should not
happen, f (Term f a)
must not happen either, which means a -> f a
should not exist!
A functor f
with no way of getting from a -> f a
nor f a -> a
This forces our choice of f
to be the Void
functor, which has no
data Void t
deriving (Functor)
efRun :: Term Void a -> a
efRun (Pure a) = a
And that’s it. While it looks like boilerplate, we can more or less mechanically write out the instances, thanks to universal objects, and notions from category theory. To really illustrate the power of this, we’re going to see a series of increasingly ambitious examples of effects.
A stateful calculator
Let’s implement a simple calculator with a single Int
register. We
define the operations of this calculator separately; Incr
Incr i t
increments the state byi
and returnst
Reader f
extracts the state and runsf
on itMem i
represents the state having valuei
data Incr t = Incr Int t deriving (Functor)
data Reader t = Reader (Int -> t) deriving (Functor)
data Mem = Mem Int deriving (Show)
Given the commands, we need to define their denotation, i.e. their
meaning. This is given by the efRunCalc
If the command is Pure x
, just return x
along with the state.
efRunCalc :: Functor r => Mem
-> Term (Incr :+: (Reader :+: r)) a
-> Term r (a, Mem)
efRunCalc s (Pure x) = return (x, s)
If the command is Incr k r
, modify the state by k
and continue
with r. The slight twist is that we need to pattern match with Inl
because to extract Incr
from (Incr :+: (Reader :+: r))
. To
extract Reader
from (Incr :+: (Reader :+: r))
we have to perform
followed by Inr
. Finally, to handle r
, we fmap (efRunCalc
over t
efRunCalc (Mem s) (Impure (Inl (Incr k r))) = efRunCalc (Mem (s + k)) r
efRunCalc (Mem s) (Impure (Inr (Inl (Reader r)))) = efRunCalc (Mem s) (r s)
efRunCalc s (Impure (Inr (Inr t))) = Impure (efRunCalc s <$> t)
We’ll also define a couple of helper functions, incr
and recall
can be thought of the user-facing functions for calculator effects.
inject :: (g :<: f) => g (Term f a) -> Term f a
inject = Impure . inj
incr :: (Incr :<: f) => Int -> Term f ()
incr i = inject (Incr i (Pure ()))
recall :: (Reader :<: f) => Term f Int
recall = inject (Reader Pure)
Now, we can combine our Incr
and Reader
effects in a single monad.
tick :: (Incr :<: f, Reader :<: f) => Term f Int
tick = do
y <- recall
incr 1
return y
What you see in the code examples is all there is, no monad transformers needed. We can combine effects freely. When we interpret effects, we handle them one by one.
λ> tick & efRunCalc (Mem 4) & efRun
(4,Mem 5)
Adding Exceptions
Suppose now we want to add a raise
command to our calculator, the
effect. This is done separately. A pattern arises for making
new effects, we define our type, our user-facing functions and an
interpreter for our effect.
data Exc e t = Exc e deriving Functor
raise :: (Exc e :<: f) => e -> Term f a
raise e = inject (Exc e)
efRunExc :: Functor r => Term (Exc e :+: r) a -> Term r (Either e a)
efRunExc (Pure x) = return (Right x)
efRunExc (Impure (Inl (Exc e))) = return (Left e)
efRunExc (Impure (Inr t)) = Impure (efRunExc <$> t)
Due to our coproduct construction, Exc
is separate from the other
effects. ticke
uses all the effects we have seen so far.
ticke :: (Exc String :<: f, Incr :<: f, Reader :<: f) => Int -> Term f Int
ticke n = do y <- recall
incr 5
z <- recall
if z > n
then raise "too big"
else return y
efRunExcString :: Functor r => Term (Exc String :+: r) a
-> Term r (Either String a)
efRunExcString = efRunExc
The reason why we need efRunExcString
is that we need to be explicit
about handling the Exc String
effect, otherwise we get a type error
about no instances for (Exc String :<: Void)
. It’s really a type
inference failure, because Haskell could not infer the instance at the
call-site (this is a problem effect libraries attempt to address).
Transactional memory for free
We can also show that the order in which effects are handled makes a difference. For instance, in the first line below we handle the exception first then the state after (so the state persists even though an exception is thrown), and in the second line the state is handled first followed by the exception, which means the state is discarded when the exception is thrown.
λ> ticke 1 & efRunExcString & efRunCalc (Mem 0) & efRun
(Left "too big",Mem 5)
λ> ticke 1 & efRunCalc (Mem 0) & efRunExcString & efRun
Left "too big"
Think of the latter case as a sort of “transactional” style whereby an action must fully succeed or fail and the intermediate state at the point of failure is impossible to access.
For our final example, we generalize the state to an arbitrary type
, and write an imperative program to sum the first n
-- Enable the ConstraintKind language extension for this
data Writer s t = Put s t deriving Functor
data Reader s t = Get (s -> t) deriving Functor
type StEff s r = (Reader s :<: r, Writer s :<: r)
efRunSt :: Functor r => State s -> Term (St s r) a -> Term r (a, s)
efRunSt (State s) (Pure x) = return (x, s)
efRunSt (State s) (Impure (Inl (Put k r))) = efRunSt (State k) r
efRunSt (State s) (Impure (Inr (Inl (Get r)))) = efRunSt (State s) (r s)
efRunSt s (Impure (Inr (Inr t))) = Impure (efRunSt s <$> t)
put :: (Writer s :<: f) => s -> Term f ()
put s = inject (Put s (Pure ()))
get :: (Reader s :<: f) => Term f s
get = inject (Get Pure)
sumN :: (StEff (Integer, Integer) f) => Term f ()
sumN = do (acc, n) <- get
if n == 0
then return ()
else do { put (acc + n, n - 1); sumN }
sumNEx :: ((), (Integer, Integer))
sumNEx = sumN
& efRunSt (State (0,10))
& efRun
Run the code shown in this post by downloading the gist.
Conclusion and Further Reading
I hope this post was illuminating in understanding what free monads are and their implementation. There’s quite a lot of literature on the subject, and the various effect libraries in use are worth checking out, because they address problems we weren’t able to handle in our from-scratch implementation, reducing boilerplate even further, creating better error messages, among other things.
- Data types à la carte
- The paper by Swierstra in which he presents a solution to the expression problem, that is, extending a data type without recompiling existing code while retaining type safety. Data types à la carte expresses effects as algebras and interpretation as a fold over that algebra.
- Extensible Effects vs Data types à la Carte
- While Swierstra’s construction is notable, Oleg Kiselyov demonstrates that the algebra construction is unable to handle the addition of new effects, in other words, it was not an extensible system. Provides some good precautions on using category theory as a design tool.